速報APP / 財經 / OTP Bank Albania

OTP Bank Albania



檔案大小:18.1 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 7.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

OTP Bank Albania(圖1)-速報App

ONLINE BANKING eshte aplikacioni me i ri per Smart phone dhe Tablet qe Banka OTP Albania sjell ne ndihme te klienteve te saj. Tani permes Online banking te gjithe klientet e OBA, individe dhe biznes , kane mundesi te kryejne nje sere veprimesh pa qene e nevojshme te drejtohen ne deget e bankes duke kursyer kohe dhe para, mjafton te perdorin telefonin e tyre celulare nepermjet nje lidhje interneti.

Perse mund te perdoret?

Permes teknologjise se fundit qe ofron siguri te plot per financat dhe veprimet me to (perdorim i fjalekalimi njeperdorimesh MOTP) klientet OBA duke shkarkuar aplikacionin Online Banking mund te kryejne:

1. Pagesa per sherbime te ndryshme:

- Transferta ndermjet llogarive personale

- Transferta brenda vendit me konvertim ose jo

- Transferta me kurs preferencial kembimi

- Pagesa te kartave tuaja te kreditit

2. Te informohen mbi:

- Gjendjen ne llogarite tuaja, kartat e debitit, depozitat apo kredite qe ju keni marre prane OBA.

- Vendodhjen e ATM – ve apo degeve te OBA pa qene e nevojshme te telefonojne prane kujdesit te klientit.

Ofertat me te fundit te OBA

Sherbime te tjera

- Aksesim direkt i faqes zyrtare te bankes

- Komuinikim me mesazhe per probleme dhe pyetje te ndryshme

- Mundesi shperndarje te aplikacionit ne rrjetet sociale si Facebook, Tweeter etj

Si mund aktivizohet dhe cfare nevojitet per te qene perdorues i Online Banking?

Per te aktivizuar sherbimin e plote mjafton te dispononi telefon celular smartphone me sistem operimi iOS. Pasi te shkarkoni aplikacionin Online Banking duhet te paraqiteni vetem nje here ne nje prej degeve OBA ku mund te aktivizoni sherbimin si dhe te merrni te gjithe informacionin e nevojshem

- Telefon celular: smartphone me sistem operimi IOS,

- Numer telefoni celular

OTP Bank Albania(圖2)-速報App

ONLINE BANKING, kursim kohe ne siguri te plote!

Online Banking application is the latest application for smartphones and tablets that OTP Bank Albania introduces to support its clients. All the clients of OBA, whether individual or corporate, have now the opportunity to perform several transactions through Online Banking application without having to go to the branches of the bank, thus saving time and money, by just using their mobile phone via an internet connection.

Why should you use it?

By means of the latest technology providing total security for the finances and transactions (through the single use MOTP password), the OBA clients can perform the following transactions by downloading the Online Banking application:

1. Payments for different services:

- Transfers through personal accounts

- Domestic transfers including exchange or otherwise

- Transfers with preferential exchange rates

- Payments of your credit cards

2. Receive information on:

- The balance of your accounts, debit cards, deposits or credits obtained at OBA.

- The location of ATMs or branches of OBA without necessarily calling the customer care.

The latest offers of OBA

Other services

- Direct access to the official website of the bank

- Communication via SMSs for various problems and questions

- " Possibility of sharing the application in the social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc

How to enable it and what do I need to be a user of Online Banking Application?

In order to enable full functionality, you need to have a mobile smartphone. After downloading the Online Banking application, you should present yourself just once at one of the OBA branches where you can enable the service and receive all the necessary information

- Mobile phone: smartphone with iOS operating system,

OTP Bank Albania(圖3)-速報App

- Mobile number

ONLINE BANKING, saving you TIME and money!

OTP Bank Albania(圖4)-速報App